AGDA is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
ágda - To invite, to ask or request one’s presence. Agdahá siá. Invite him. Ginágda mo na ang tanán mo nga mga ábyan? Have you invited all your friends? Ang áton piésta pagaagdahán ko sing madámù nga agáy-ay – agnáya mga Párì. I shall invite many priests to assist at our feast. I shall request the presence of many priests at our feast. Ari na ang mga inágda. The invited guests are now here. Nalipatán níya sa pagágda sánday Pedro. Paagdahón ko siá sa íla or ipaágda ko silá sa íya. He forgot to invite Peter and his friends or Peter and his family. I’ll make him invite them. Padálhan ko siá kuntánì sing sulát nga iágda ko sa íya, ápang walâ gánì akó kasáyod kon diín siá nagapuyô karón. I should like to send him a letter of invitation, but I do not know where he is staying at present. (cf. abiár, hágad, kángay.) ágdan, ágdang Useful, serviceable, of use, worth something, capable, reliable. (cf. águd, pulús, yáwat, yádì).