AKU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
aku I, me. Aku lang, Let me do it. Short form: ku. Adtu na ku (aku), Im going now. ay nímu expression of helpless frustration at s. o. s incompetence. Ay ku nímu, undù. Mag-unsa man lang ka ug wà na ku, My God, son. What will you do when I am not around any more! tig-akuaku a always say aku. Tig-akuaku ka man bisag dílì ka kamau, You dont know how, but you keep saying lemme. ákù {1} preposed gen. : me, my. Ákung anak, My child. Ákung gibása, I read it. {2} be mine. Ákù nà, That is mine. Unsa may ákù niánà? What do I get out of that? v [B1256] become mine. Maákù ka na giyud, At last you will be mine. na May I have to keep? Ákù na nang kindi, ha? May I have that candy? Ang gud {1} what worries me. Ang ákù gud ug dì siya kaanhi, What worries me is if he cant come. {2} all I am concerned with, interested in. Ang ákù gud nga makatinir kug pruyba, All I care about is that I can have proof. maakuakuun a tending to want things for oneself. akúa mine as opposed to other things that are not. Akúa nà, That one (as opposed to the others) is mine. kanákù dat. : me. Ihátag kanákù, Give it to me. Nagtan-aw siya kanákù, He was looking at me. ku {1} nom. (short for aku). {2} gen. : = nákù. nákù {1} gen. : my, by me. Anak nákù, My son. Gibása nákù, I read it. ug (short for gipakaingun nákù) I thought. Nákug muadtu ka, I thought you would go. {2} short for kanákù.