AMGID is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
amgid a similar. v {1} [BC; ac1c3] be similar. Miamgid (naamgid) ang istatuwa sa mudílu, The statue grew to be more and more like the model. Ngánung nagkaamgid ang inyung tubag? Why were your answers similar? Iamgid (amgíra) lang ang ímung sinulat sa ákù, Make your composition like mine. {2} [A2; b] imitate. Ang mga Insik maáyung muamgid sa mga búhat sa Hapun, The Chinese imitate the Japanese products well. Gi-amgiran (giamgíran) sa arkitiktu ang dibúhu sa katidral, The architect imitated the sketch of the cathedral. {3} [A; ac] com-pare. Amgíra sila kung háin ang maanyag, Compare them to judge which one is most beautiful. Ang íyang kaanyag ikaamgid sa bitúun, Her beauty can be compared to the stars. n ones double. Ákung kalúha nang ákung amgid, The fellow that looks just like me is my twin brother. ig-, ka- = amgid, n.