AMOT is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
ámot - Contribution, mite, offering, donation; subscription; to contribute, subscribe, donate, pay a share, donate in common with others, etc. Magámot kamó. Contribute. You should contribute. Amóti nínyo ang simbáhan. Contribute for the church fund. Iámot iníng duhá ka mángmang sa mga nasunúgan sang íla baláy. Contribute these two pesos for the benefit of those whose houses were burned down. Amótan nínyo nga tátlo ang ákon báboy. The three of you should put your money together and buy my pig. May mga paámot sa madámù nga kinahánglan. Contributions are solicited for many needs. Paamóta siá sing madámù kay manggaránon man siá. Get him to contribute a good amount, for he is rich. Madámù ang walâ pa makahátag sang íla ámot. Many have not yet paid their contribution—or—subscription. Paamóti sa mga pumulúyò ang áton hospitál. Get the townspeople to give something in aid of our hospital. (cf. alamotán, umalamót; báyad, baláyran; tákay).