ANEKDOTA is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
anékdota - (Sp. anécdota) Anecdote, story, yarn. (cf. súgid, ági, tabô, inágyan, etc.). ang – ángkat ang, The definite article: The. Ang baláy. The house. Ang káhoy. The tree or wood. In many instances the Visayan language uses the definite article where it is left out in English, e.g. Ang Diós, ang lángit, ang pagkaláwat, ang bádlis, ang Manílà, ang Ameriká, ang pagkalipát, etc. God, heaven, Communion, Extreme Unction, Manila, America, forgetfulness, etc. (cf. si). angá Pretending to be deaf, stubborn, acting as if not hearing; to be or become stubborn, etc. Angá nga bátà. A child that pretends not to hear—or—is stubborn. Ginaangaán kamí sa íya. We consider him stubborn, we get the impression that he merely pretends not to hear. (cf. ágbà).