ANG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
Ang ákù gud, ug mahibaw-an unyà, The thing that Im worried about is if he finds out. Misyágit. Tíaw mu gud sakit kaáyu, He screamed. Because imagine, it was so painful. man because. Wà ku palita kay mahal man gud, I did not buy it because it was expensive. {1a} ugud ba particle initial in a sentence explain-ing why one has put a certain question. Ngánung nangutána ka? Ugud ba, arun mahibáwu, Why do you ask? Oh, I just want to know. Ngánung nangutána kag muadtu ku? Ugud ba, náa tay ákung ipadá nímu, Why do you ask if Im going? I would like to have you take s.t. for me, if you would. {1b} particle a? rm-ing s. o. s statement casting aspersions. Dátù man kahà ngánung nag-antus mag maistra? Ugud, If she is rich, how come she puts up with teaching? Ive been wondering that myself. {2} in ques-tions or exclamations. {2a} with interrogatives: in the world. Ngánu gud nà! Why in the world should it be like that. Anus-a gud nà nímu humana, When in the world are you going to finish it? {2b} with nominal predicates: what [noun] are you talking about? Sinsíyu gud. Wà man tuy suklì, What change are you talking about? You dont have any change coming. {2c} ba how is it possible that [so-and-so] should happen? Kay wà pa ba guy halin? You mean to say there havent been any sales till now? Mangáwat ba gud ku? You think I could possibly steal? {2d} in exclamations: particle exclaiming about s.t. discovered for the first time. Kadakù na gud nímug idad! My! How old you are! Kadaghan gud nímug gihátag, You sure gave me a lot! {3} in commands: [do so-and-so] even though you dont want to. Sígi gud. Ihatud na lang gud ku, Come on! Take me there already! Ihátag na gud nà, Go on now, give it to him. {3a} used sar-castically in commands: why dont you just [do]. Buk-a na lang gud nang tanan. Barátu bítaw, Why dont you just break all of them while youre at it? Theyre so cheap. {3b} ra see ra. ug-ug v {1} [A; c1] jog, move bouncing up and down. Muug-ug na gánì ning kabayúa timailhan nga gikápuy na, Once the horse starts to jog it shows that it is tired. {2} [B3(1)6; b6] be jarring. Muug-ug (maug-ug) gánì ang sakyanan pamaúlan ku, If the vehicle jounces up and down, Ill get fatigued. {3} [AB; c16] shake, cause to move up and down or back and forth. Dì mumata ang bátà ug akuy muug-ug, The child wont wake up if I shake him. Muug-ug (maug-ug) ang mga balay ug maglínug, The houses will shake if there is an earthquake. Nakaug-ug ka na sa midisína? Have you shaken the bottle of medicine? n {1} jogging, jouncing. {2} art of shaking s.t. a jouncy, bouncy. Ug-ug kaáyu ang dálan, The road is very bumpy. ka- n bounciness, jounciness. Tungud sa kaug-ug sa dyíp, Because of the way the jeep bounced.