AYAW is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
ayaw short form: ay dont do! Ayaw ug syágit. Ayaw pagsiyágit, Do not shout. Ayaw ug kabaláka, ayaw kabaláka, ayaw pagka-baláka, Dont worry. lang {1} never mind doing. Ayaw lang ug sirhi nang pwirta, Dont bother closing the door. Gustu ka? Ayaw lang, Do you want any? No, thanks. {2} dont (its a small thing to ask). Ay lang ingna ánà, Dont do like that! na stop doing. Ayaw nag hílak, Stop crying. Ayaw na, Tay. Dì na ku muusab, Thats enough, Dad. I wont do it again. na lang dont bother doing what youve started or made a motion to do. Ay na lang kug ihatud, Dont bother taking me home. na lang ku ánà dont give me that reason. Ay na lang ku ánà. Nakabatì na ku ánang rasúna, Dont give me that. Ive heard that line before. na ku, ta (nímu) dont try to fool me. Ay na lang ku nímu, Syu. Swítu na kaáyu ku nímu, Dont try to put one over me, Cio. I know you too well already.