AYU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
áyu v {1a} [A13; a12] do s.t. well. Ayúha nig limpiyu, Clean this carefully. Gitan-aw níya pag-áyu ang sulud, He looked carefully into the insides. {1b} do s.t. to an intense degree. Giáyu siya ug kastígu, He was severely punished. Nasukù siya pag-áyu, He got very angry. {2} [A3] do well in a given situation. Muáyu ang mais dinhi kay hustu sa ulan, Corn will do well here because there is enough rain. {3} [A; a12] repair, restore into working order. Ikay muáyu sa awtu kay ikay nakadáut, You repair the car because you ruined it. Ayúha ning ákung mutur, Repair my motorcycle. {4} [B12] get better. Naáyu na ku. Wà na ku hilanti, I am well now. I dont have a fever any more. ang buut v [B4] be in a good mood. Muáyu ang íyang buut ug bisitáhan siya ni Piduy, She gets in a good mood when Pedoy visits her. Giayúhan siya sa buut, She is in a good mood. {5} [A23; b6] treat s. o. nicely. Muáyu ka lang nákù ug magkinahanglan kag sápì, You treat me nicely only if you want money. Ug dì ka níla ayúhan, ayawg tagda, If they dont treat you nicely, never mind. {6} [c] be on good terms with one another. Nagkaáyu na ba mung duha? Have you two gotten to be on good terms yet? ma-a short forms: maay, máyu {1} nice, good, well. Maáyu ning librúha, This book is good. Maáyu siyang magkinatsilà, He speaks Spanish well. {2} -ng buntag, hápun, etc. Good morn-ing, afternoon, etc. -ng Pasku Merry Christmas. {2a} greeting upon arriving at s. o. s premises (short for maáyung buntag, etc. ). Maáyu. Uy wà may táwu, Hello! Oh, theres nobody home. {3a} nga bátà beautiful. Maáyung bátà ang íyang asáwa, He has a beautiful wife. {3b} láki of exceptional ability in s.t. Si Tiryu maáyung láki sa pamálak, Terio has exceptional ability in po-etry. {4} ug ma- done well, to an intense degree. Gilimpiyuhag maáyu, It was well cleaned. Gibunálag maáyu, Got a good beat-ing. v [B] be good, better. Ug mumaáyu ang guwà, padayúni, If it gives a good outcome, continue with it. Ug mamaáyu ang íyang tíngug sa mayik, dawáta pára sa amatyur, If his voice turns out good with the microphone, accept him for the singing contest. Namaáyu na ku sa sakit, I recovered from the sickness. Nagkamaayu ang íyang ági, His penmanship is getting better. Nagmaáyu ang tilimad-un ug walay kapakyásan, The indications are good, and it wont fail. mina-() a in a good way. ayuáyu v {1} [A13] behave properly. Mag-ayuáyu ka sa ímung paglakaw, You behave properly on your trip. pag- goodbye, be careful on your trip. {2} [A23; b5] treat nicely. Ayuayúhun (ayuayúhan) ka lang níya pagkakarun, He is just treating you nice for now. pahi-paka- v [A13; a12] cure an illness. Didtu siya magpakaáyu (magpahiáyu) sa Manílà sa íyang sakit, He was in Manila to get treated for his sickness. paayuáyu v [A13] pretend to be nice. Nagpaayuáyu ang libakíra, The scandalmonger is pretending to be nice. ka-, kama- how nice, well. Kaáyu (kamaáyu) nímung manista, How nicely you play! Kaáyu gyung latiguhun nímu, How nice it would be to whip you! ka- short forms: kaay, káyu very, very much. Mahal kaáyu, Its very expensive. Gustu ku kaáyu, I want to very much. alayúhan n repair shop. alayuhun n s.t. to be repaired. kaayúhan n benefit.