BAAG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
báag v [APB; c1] {1} make, become embers. Nagbáag (nag-pabáag) akug igpaplantsa, Im making embers for the iron. Nabáag na ang tibuuk balángay únà mahiabut ang bumbíru, The whole village was already in embers before the firemen arrived. {2} heat s.t. , become hot. Nagkabáag ang kaínit sa mga táwu nga nagkaduul ang iliksyun, The people are becoming more and more heated up as the election approaches. Baága (ibáag) ra ning gátas, Please heat this milk. n heat. Ang báag sa adlaw mauy nakaitum kanákù, The heat of the sun has made me black. (), baagbaag v [B; c] for actions to become incoherent, aimless. Nabaagbaag (nabaag) ang íyang diklarasiyun, His declaration became senseless and incoherent. Nagkabaagbaag siyag pang-hangyù ug pakitábang, She went around everywhere asking for help. baagbaagun a of an incoherent sort.