BAHUD is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
báhud v [B2] for wounds to swell and redden. Mibáhud ang íyang núka kay hiinitan man, His wound became swollen because it was exposed to the sun. Ug musúd kag mintiryu mubáhud ang ímung kabahung, If you go into a cemetery your wound might swell and redden. bahug v [A; c] {1} put liquid or fat into the staple food. Mubahug lang siyag mantíkà kay dì mukáun ug útan, He mixes lard with his corn because he doesnt eat vegetables. {2} feed leftovers to. Ibahug na lang ang pán ngadtu sa ítik, Toss the bread to the ducks. -in-, -in-an n food mixed with soup, lard, or water. Ang íyang binahug (binahugan) gikaun sa irù, The dog ate his food mixed with soup. bahugbáhug v [A; b] {1} do s.t. in large amounts. Nagbahugbáhug kamig katáwa sa íla, We had a barrel of laughs at their house. {2} have a free-for-all fight. n {1} s.t. done in plentiful quantities. Bahugbáhug ang ínum sa kasal, There was drinking done on a large scale at the wedding. {2} free-for-all fight.