BALI is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
báli a {1} be worth it (not used negatively). Písus ang palit nímu sa isdà? Báli sad, You paid a peso for the fish. It was worth it. walà unimportant, worth ignoring. {2} serves one right. Nadagmà ang bátà. Báli, The child fell. Serves him right. {3} ug worth, in the amount, quantity, duration of. Bálig písus nga bugas, One pesos worth of rice. Pabukálag bálig tungà sa taknà, Boil it for half an hour. {4} nga with exclamation: how very much! Báling buánga nímu, How very naughty of you. mas nga it would be better if. Mas báli nga mamatay, It would be better to die. walay it doesnt matter. Way bálig mahal, basta maáyung klási, It doesnt matter if it costs a lot, as long as it is good. v {1} [a12] {1a} dílì, walà, ayaw not pay s.t. any mind. Ayaw balíha ang mga tabì, Dont pay attention to the gossip. {1b} gi- walà ignored, treated as insignificant. Gibáli walà na siya ni Armi, Armi just ignored her from then on. {2} [A; ab1] {a} sign a chit for goods taken in a store. Mubáli lang kug bugas, Ill just sign a chit for some rice. {b} ask for an advance. Si Uskar ang átung balíhan, Lets ask for an advance from Oscar. n {1} a chit signed for goods taken in a store. {2} amount taken in advance from wages. May báli kung trayinta písus sa ákung ámu, I had an advance of thirty pesos from my boss.