BALIK is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
bálik - To come back, return, go back to the place one came from. Nagbálik siá sa Ilóng-ílong. He went back to Iloilo. Balíkon mo ang maléta nga nalipatán ko. Go back and fetch the handbag I forgot. Balíki si Hosé. Return to José. Ginbálik níya ang pílak nga íya ginhulám. He returned the money he had borrowed. Ibálik mo na ang líbro ko. Now at last give me back my book. Ipabálik lang inâ sa íya. Just send that back to him. Binalíkan níya ang ámon baláy, kay bangúd sang bahâ walâ siá makatabók sa subâ. He came back again to our house, for on account of the freshet he could not cross the river. Binalíkan pa gid sang idô ang diótay nga kárne nga íya nabilín. The dog went back again to the little meat he had left. (cf. úlì, buélta, panumbalík).