BALINSASAYAW is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
balinsasayáw - A small bird living in almost inaccessible rocks. Its nest is much sought after for medicinal purposes. Ang mga áti nagabalígyà sing mga púgad sang balinsasayáw. The Negritos sell nests of the bird called balinsasayáw. balínsay, To roll over and over, turn somersaults, as in falling down-stairs, etc. to play with stones, marbles, etc., as children do. Nagbalínsay siá sa hágdan. He turned a somersault down the stairs. Pabalinsayá siá sa pángpang. Roll him down the river-bank. Ang mga bátà nagahámpang sang balínsay. The boys are playing at turning somersaults—or—are playing (with stones, búskay, etc.) the game called balínsay. (cf. balíntong, balintotók, bansúlì).