BANASAY is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
banásay n k. o. small, brightly-colored fish. banáta n {1} section, flat piece cut from a whole. Nanglatas kami sa lagpad nga banáta sa pilapilan, We traversed the wide sections of the rice field. {2} division in a cabinet or room. Sa kinaubsang banáta sa aparadur, On the lowest shelf of the cabinet. Ang banáta nakapangitngit sa kwartu, The partition made the room dark. {3} sheet of woven cloth, a fathom wide. v [A; c1] {1} divide into sections, partition. Arun way sámuk ibanáta (banatáha) ang yútà, So there will be no disagreement, divide the land. {2} do s.t. by pieces. Banatáhun (ibanáta) ku pagpalit ang panaptun, I will buy the cloth cut into pieces. {3} [A; c] put a shelf, section.