BAYAD is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
báyad v {1} [A2S3S; b1] pay for s.t. Nagbayad mig kinyintus káda búlan, We paid five hundred a month. Bayran ku lang ug písus ang gantang, Ill just pay one peso for a ganta. Bayran ku ra siya, Ill pay him. Pilay ibáyad? How much shall we pay? {2} [A13S; b1] pay a moral debt. Magbáyad ka sa ímung pag-insultu nákù, Youll pay for your insults to me. n {1} fee, charge. Way báyad ang gamayng bátà, There is no charge for small children. {2} amount which serves as payment. Pilay báyad sa bibingka? How much do we owe for the rice cakes? Báyad sa ímung kaáyu, In return for your goodness. balayranan, balayran, balaydan, balaydanan n things to be paid for. ig-l/r-() n amount to be paid. kabayáran n recompense. Ang kwartang nasunud níya kabayáran sa íyang paghágù, The money she inherited was a rec-ompense for her trouble. {2} retribution, punishment. paniN-n just desert. Ang ímung pagkabilanggù panimáyad sa ímung kamaldítu, You got your just deserts when you went to jail. sa útang a mans daughter (humorous usagefrom the notion that a man pays for his sins against women by what happens to his daughter: if he commits a sin against a woman, the same thing will happen to his daughter as punishment to him). balayrunun (balaydunun, bayrunun) n amount to be paid o? . Líbu pang balayrunun ku sa bangku, I still have one thousand pesos to pay o? to the bank. bay-ad v [B3(1); c1] lie on the back. Dì kung katúg ug magbay-ad. Tikungkung giyud, I cant sleep on my back. I have to curl up. Ayaw bay-ára (ibay-ad) ang halígi sa agiánan, Dont put the post down in the way.