BILIN is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
bílin - Order, command, commission, injunction; to order, enjoin, command, give an order to, direct, dispose, rule; pabílin— to remain; stay, be left behind. Anó ang bílin mo? What is (was) your order? May igabílin ikáw sa Ilóng-ílong? Have you an order for Iloilo? Bínli (for bilíni) ang ímo útud nga padálhan níya akó sing isá ka páres nga maáyo nga sapátos. Order your brother to send me a pair of good boots. Magpabílin ka sa baláy. Stay (remain) at home. Mapabílin ikáw sa baláy? Are you remaining at home? Shall you stop at home? Ginpabílin siá sa baláy ni nánay. Mother left him at home or told him to stop at home. Ipabílin siá sa baláy. See to it that he stops at home. (cf. túgon, sógò, sálà, bilín).