BILOG is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
bilóg - Whole, entire, complete, integral, full, all together, no part missing; solid, not hollow; to make or form a whole, etc. Láwas kag kalág amó ang nagabilóg sa táo. Body and soul form the whole man. Ginkabilogán sang mga pumulúyò ang íla nga pándut. The inhabitants were all united for the celebration of their feast. Bilogón mo ang tsokoláte, dílì mo pagtabliyahón. Make the chocolate up in roundish lumps, not in tablets or slabs. Ibilóg akó ánay siníng sensílyo ko nga salapî. Kindly give me a "salapî” for these fifty centavos. Ginkabilogán níla ang amó nga sulát. They wrote that letter in common—or—they all agreed to despatch that letter. Nagbilóg ang duhá níla ka tagiposóon. Their two hearts were as one. Ginhatágan níya akó sing isá ka páhò nga bilóg. He gave me a whole mango. (i.e. not only part of it).