BISIS is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
bísis - (Sp. vez, veces) See bis. Napúlò ka bísis. Ten times. May bísis nga maáthag ang íya hámbal kag may bísis nga índì siá makatúsngaw. At times he talks quite distinctly, and at times he cannot pronounce (say) a word. (cf. maka—). bisíta, (Sp. visita) A visitor, guest: to visit, pay a visit, call upon, go to see, examine, inspect. Madámù ang mga bisíta sa baláy karón. There are many visitors in the house at present. Bisitáhi si tíyò mo. Visit your uncle. Nabisitáhan níya ang masakít nga bátà. He paid a visit to the sick boy. Bisitáhi (bistáhi) ang humáy kon madámù ang mga máya. Go and inspect the ricefield to see whether there are many mayabirds there. Pabisitáhi (pabistáhi) siá sa médiko. Let a doctor examine him. (cf. dúaw, bísta).