BITAW is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
bítaw {1} particle a? rming interlocutors remark. Mahal ra kaáyu. Bítaw, Its too expensive. It sure is. Dì ba tu ikaw si Ust-ing? Aku bítaw, Arent you Osting? Yes, I am. Tugnaw kaáyu run. Nagswítir bítaw ku, It sure is cold. Yes, it is. Why do you think Im wearing a sweater? {2} particle giving assurance. {2a} [so-and-so] is the case anyway. Ayaw paghílak. Muabut na bítaw si Máma nímu, Dont cry. Your mother is coming anyway. {2b} stop complaining because [so-and-so] happened, is happening in any case. Sígi ming pangítà nímu dà. Nangítà bítaw pud ku nímu, We have been looking for you. Well, I have been looking for you, too. Ngánung wà ku nímu binlig kík? Niingun bítaw kang dì ka gustu, Why didnt you leave me any cake? Well, you said you didnt want any. {2c} dont worry about it, [so-and-so] is the case with s. o. else and its all right. Ayaw paghílak. Aku bítaw, wà ku tagái, Dont cry. I didnt get any either, so there. {2d} dont worry about it. Im just joking. Ambi nà bi. Ayaw bítaw. Nagkumidiya lang bítaw ku, Give that to me. Dont re-ally. Im just joking. {2e} seriously now, please do [so-and-so]. Sígi bítaw. Adtu na ta, OK. OK, lets go now. Ayaw bítaw ku dad-a sa lawum, Oh, stop now. Dont pull me into the deep wa-ter. Usà pa bítaw. Unsa tuy ímung túyù pag-anhi? Seriously, though, what did you have in mind in coming here? {3} see, [so-and-so] had to happen. Sakit ákung úlu. Bítaw. Giingnan ta bítaw kang dì magsígig ínum, I have a headache. See, I told you not to drink so much. Aligri man tà tu silang duha. Naabtan bítaw nas amahan, They were just having fun, but would not you know it, their father caught them.