BUAYA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
buáya n {1} crocodile. {2} lend or gamble in such a way that there is no chance of getting any but huge returns. Buáya nà siyang mupahulag kwarta. Dakug garantíya. Dakug pátung, He is a real crocodile in his money-lending. He demands a huge security and huge interest. Buáya nga mupúkir, He plays poker ruthlessly. {3} hogging the ball in basketball. {4} = dispatsir. v [B12; b6] get to be greedy in lending, gambling, or with the ball. paN- v {1} [A2; b6(1)] catch crocodiles. {2} [A2; a12] for s. o. to entrap s. o. into playing against him by pretending not to know how. Gipamuáya kug ahidris níya, He trapped me into playing chess with him. {3} = dispatsir, v. buayáhun a having a configuration in the lines of the palm resembling a crocodile and which signifies that the bearer will never have living children and further his brothers and sisters will not live to maturity. This configuration can be changed by magical means.