BUGO is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
bugó - A large-sized kind of maize that requires a rather long time to ripen (hudyánan). The smaller kind (munáhan) ripens quicker. bugô (B) Short; brief, curtailed; to shorten, become short. Ginbugô ko ron ang ímo sóol, súlnga.—Hóod, mayád man, pay pabugoí pa gid ti sángka pulgáda. (cf. Ginlíp-ot ko na ang ímo pakô, tan-awá.— Hóo, maáyo man, ápang palip-otí pa gid sing isá ka pulgáda). I have shortened your sleeve, look here.—Yes, all right, but shorten it by one inch more. Bugoá ang pagútud sang tápì. Cut the plank short. Bugô nga bánko, kalát, sulát, etc. A short bench, rope, letter, etc. Bugoón mo ang sóol sang ákon báyò. Shorten the sleeve of my jacket. Make a short sleeve for my jacket. (cf. líp-ot).