BUHAT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
búhat v {1} [A; a2] do s.t. , do work. Dì ka pakan-un dinhi ug dì ka mubúhat, If you do not work, you dont get anything to eat here. Buháta ang tanan arun aku mabúhì, Do everything in your power so that I may live. Ngánung buhátan man ku nímu niíni? Why do you do this to me? {2} [AC12; a] make, con-struct. Buhátun kung tangkal kining kawayána, Ill make this bamboo into a cage. {3} [A; a12] create. Wà pay nakabúhat ug tambal pagpugung sa katigulangun, No one has created a drug to prevent aging. Gibúhat sa Ginúu si Íbà, God created Eve. v [A; b] perform the búhat ceremony (búhat, n 5). Kinahanglan nang buhátan arun mamaáyu, We have to perform a búhat cer-emony for him so he will get better. n {1} s.t. made, make. Ang radyu búhat sa Hapun, The radio set is of Japanese make. {2} work. Anad ku sa búhat, I am accustomed to work. {3} job. Unyà na pagminyug may búhat ka na, Dont get married until you have a job. {4} deed. Ipakítà sa búhat ang gugma mu, Show your love by deeds. {5} ceremony of o? ering s.t. cooked with no salt to spirits to insure harvest, give thanks, diagnose an illness. The one who performs this ceremony is the diwatahan. anak sa n laborer. babáying n lady, a female acting in a way appropriate to her role as a woman. laláking n man acting in a way appropriate to a man. Laláking búhat mag-apil-apil sa mga tabì, You, a man joining in the womens gossip. buhatbuhat v [AN2; a12] do a variety of di? erent, small chores. Namuhatbúhat siya sa balay, He putters around the house. mabuhatbuhatun a fond of puttering around. pamuhat-búhat n food prepared for the búhat ceremony (cf. búhat, n 5). -an() n place of work, o? ce. gim-un() n = -l-un. a entail-ing lots of work. Gimbuhatun kaáyu kaning pagrilyínu, Its a lot of trouble to make stu? ed chicken. -in-{1} = búhat, 1. {2} creature. Mga binúhat sa Ginúu, The Lords creatures. -in-an n deeds performed. Dautan nímung binuhátan, Your evil deeds. -l-un, -l-un() n things to do, work to be done. mag-r- n The Creator, God. mag-r-() {1} Protestant layman who performs ministral duties. {2} = MAN-R-(). maN-r-() n one who makes things. manggi-un, manggim-un a hard-working, industrious. paN- n business of making s.t. Maáyung nigusyu ang pamúhat ug mwiblis, Furniture making is a good business. pina- n s.t. made to order. Sapátus nga pinabúhat, Made-to-order shoes. tali-, -um-r- a preparing to make s.t.