BUHAT is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
búhat - Deed, work, performance, act, action; to do, make, perform, accomplish, execute, fashion, turn out. Buháti akó sing delárgo, baúl, binángon, etc. Make me a pair of trousers, a trunk, a bolo, etc. Ibúhat mo akó sing kálò. Kindly make a hat for me. Iníng lugár, konó, pagabuhátan níla sing isá ka dakû nga baláy. In this spot, it is said, they are going to build a large house. Sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ?—Akó amó ang nagbúhat.—Ngáa man nga ginbúhat mo? Who did that?—I did it.— Why did you do it? Usisáon mo sing maáyo ang mga binuhátan sináng táo. Inquire well into the doings of that man. Iníng mga káhoy ibúhat ko sa ákon baláy. These trees I’ll make use of to build myself a house. Indì ka magbúhat sinâ. Don’t do that. (cf. hímò, túga). Figuratively: Búhat na kon ginapaúlan ka sang ságad língkod. Stand up and move about, if you are getting cramped from sitting long.