BUTANG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
butang v [A; c] {1} put down, in, on. Ikaw bay mubutang sa ákung lip-istik? Will you put my lipstick on me? Butan-gan nátug utlánan ang átung pagkaamígu, Lets set limits to our friendship. Súkang gibutangag lamas, Vinegar with spices put in it. Ibutang nà, Put that down. Ibutang sa lista ang ákung útang, Put my debts in the list. Walà ikabutang si Lína sa bayli, Lena could not sit down at the dance. {2} pay for s.t. in advance. Arun dílì ibaligyag láin gibutangan kug diyis, I put ten down so that he wouldnt sell it to anyone else. {2a} put up money or goods for the harvest or anything else produced. Magbutang kug panaptun pára sa panúig, I put up cloth to be repaid from the harvest. {2b} put up capital, money for a bond. Usa ka líbu ákung gibutang sa tindáhan, I invested one thou-sand in the store. {3} ibutang ta, nátù supposing its like this way. Ibutang tag kinyintus, palitun ba nímu? Lets say its 500 pesos. Will you buy it? {4} ibutang sa lugar do at the proper time. Ibutang sa lugar ang pag-inum, Drink at the proper time. {5} [A; b] hit. Butangan ku siya sa nawung, I will hit him in the face. n money put down as advance payment. butangbutang v [A; c] make false accusations. Gibutangbutángan ba ku nímung nangáwat? Are you trying to accuse me of stealing? n false accusations. paN- v [A; c] {1} put things. {2} put s.t. on one-self. Mamutang kug lip-istik, I will put lipstick on. hiN-haN-, hiN-haN-() v {1} [AP1B1256; b6] be situated, located. Si Bíbi naghimútag (nagpahimútag) lingkud sa silya, Bebe settled down comfortably in the chair. Ang ílang balay náa mahimutang sa ámung duul, Their house is situated near ours. {2} [B1256] be classified as. Kining suwáta mahimutang sa sikun klas, This letter is classified as second class. {3} [B1256] be in peace. Dílì ku mahimutang hangtud dílì mahuman ang ákung trabáhu, I wont be in peace until I finish my work. pahiN-pahaN-() v [A; c] {1} put s.t. s.w. carefully. Gipahimútang ang mga pagkáun sa pridyidir, The food was put away carefully in the frigidaire. {2} place s. o. in a job. Gipahimútang siya sa munisipyu, He was given a job in City hall. pahamtang v {1} [A; c] impose a punishment. Pahamtángan kag bug-at nga sílut, Heavy punish-ment will be imposed on you. {2} [b] spend money on s.t. Unsay ímung gipahamtángan sa ímung sápì? What did you spend your money on? {3} [A; b6(1)] make charges or accusations, usually maliciously. n {1} punishment imposed. {2} malicious accusa-tion made against s. o. Ang ílang mga pahamtang kanákù walay kapasikáran, Their charges against me are without basis. bu-tangíru n ru? an, toughie. ka- = pagka- 2, 3. kahimtang n {1} way things are, situation. Pait ang kahimtang sa ámù human sa bagyu, Very di? cult conditions obtained in our town after the typhoon. {2} circumstances. Ang kahimtang sa kásu, The circumstances surrounding the case. pagka- n {1} way s.t. is situated. {2} financial situation. Lisud ang ámung pagkabutang karun, We are in a bad financial situation now. {3} ones situa-tion in general. {4} unsang -a how did it come about. Naunsang pagkabutánga nga wà ka mamatay? How did it come to be that you didnt die?