
BUUT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.

buut want, would like to. Buut siyang makig-isturya nímu, He wishes to talk to you. Unsay buut níyang isulti? What does he wish to say? Dì siya buut sa liguylíguy, He does not care for this messing around. n {1} ones desires. Kuntra sa ákung buut, It is against my will. kaping strings attached, ulterior motives. Ihátag ku kini way kaping buut, I give you this with no strings attached. {1a} walà sa not meaning to do s.t. Walà tu sa ákung buut pagsultíha, I really didnt mean to say that. {2} thoughts, mind. Línaw na ang ákung buut kay nasulbad na, My mind is at rest now, because it is solved. Búkid sa ákung buut, Far from my thoughts (it never occurred to me). Wad-un ta sa buut ang átung kabingkílan, Lets forget our quarrels. {2a} consciousness, awareness. Didtu siya sa uspital makamatngun ug buut, She regained consciousness in the hospital. Sukad sa pagkatim-an níyag buut, From the time he reached the age of awareness. {2b} walay {2b1} unaware, innocent of knowledge. Walay buut nga bátà, An innocent child. {2b2} unaware of proper social conduct. Walay buut nga tawhána. Magkarsunsi-lyu lang sa sílung, What an ignorant man! He wears his under-shorts downstairs. {3} mood, disposition. Magláin ang íyang buut ug mapildi sa súgal, He gets in a bad mood if he loses in gambling. Mabaw kaáyu siyag buut, She is very short-tempered. walà sa it didnt hurt [so-and-so]s feelings. Wà tu sa ákung buut ang ímung gisulti, I didnt take to heart what you said. {4} útang {4a} debt of gratitude. {4b} please, it would be a big fa-vor. Útang buut. Ayaw pagsulti niánà, Please dont say that. v {1} [A1; b(1)] have ones way, decide how s.t. is to be. Ikaw lay magbuut kun pila, You decide how much. Ang baláud nagbuut nga . . . , The law stipulates that . . . Dì ku makagbuut (makabuut) niánà kay dílì nà ákù, I cant make a decision concerning that because it isnt mine. Mau nay gimbut-an sa baláud, That is what is stipulated by the law. Ang tanang kinabúhì gimbut-an sa Diyus, All life is at Gods discretion. Ayaw akug but-i, Dont dictate to me. {1a} unsa pay but-un? what does [so-and-so] want, anyway? Unsa pay but-un nímu? What in the world did you expect? {1b} [A23] be unmindful, uncomplaining about s.t. unfavorable. Mubuut kug way kaunkáun. Anad kug puása, I dont care if I miss meal. Im used to doing without food. {2} [A23; a12] accept a marriage proposal. Walà pa siya but-a ni Maríya, Maria has not accepted him yet. () v [AP] do s.t. freely without restraint, to ones hearts content. Nagbúut (nagpabúut) ang bátag kundat kay wà didtu si Máma, The child had a ball playing around because Mother wasnt there. buutbúut v {1} [A1] impose ones will where one doesnt have the right. {2} [A1; b] take it on oneself to do s.t. Ngánung nagbuutbúut kag palit ánà? Why did you take it on yourself to buy that? mabuut-buútun a tending to impose ones will, take it on oneself to do things. but-anay v [C23] impose each others will on each other. Way but-anay kun ása ági, Well each go our own way (we wont impose our wills on each other where to go). pa- v [a12] allow s. o. to have the say. Ug pabut-un (papagbut-un) aku nímu, If I am allowed to have the say in this matter. paka-, pa-() v [A1; b1] take it on oneself to do s.t. forbidden as much as one likes. Mangingisdà nga magpakabuut (magpabúut) pagpabu-tug dinamíta, Fishermen who allow themselves to do as much dynamite fishing as they like. Gipabut-an níla ang mga bátag káun ug dulsi, They allowed the children to eat as many sweets as they liked. pasi- v [b] allow s. o. to decide. Gipasibut-an lang siya sa kursung íyang kuháun, He was left to decide what course he would take. hiN-haN- v [B126; b3(1)c5] be pleased. Nahimuut siyang nagtan-aw sa íyang anak, He took pleasure in observing his daughter. Wà níya ikahimuut (kahimut-i) ang ímung gibúhat, He wasnt pleased with what you did. kahiN- n pleasure. kahimut-anan n s.t. at which one can take pleasure, be amused. mahimut-un, mahimut-ánun, maham-utun a feeling great pleasure. but-an a possessing reason, sense. But-an ba siya u búang? Is he sane or mad? {2} = -an(). -an() good, well-behaved. Buútang bátà, A good child. Ang buútan niyang asáwa, His good wife. v [B12; b6] get to be well-behaved. -in-an in a well-behaved way. v [A1] act in a well-behaved way. ka-() {1} intelligence, ability to perceive. {2} consideration for ones fellowmen. kabubut-un n specific feelings toward s. o. or s.t. útang kabubut-un debt of gratitude to be repaid. ma-() a {1} having a requisite amount of intelligence. {2} thoughtful, considerate of ones fellowmen. Ang mga mabúut nga táwu dílì mangdinamíta, Civic-minded people dont dynamite fish. mag-r-() n one who has the say. pag- will. Pagbuut sa Diyus, Gods will. paniN-() n {1} consciousness, awareness. {2} degree of intelligence. Ang íyang panimúut sáma sa bátang tris anyus, His mental age is like a three-year-old childs.

Words for further learning

Cebuano: atut
Cebuano: luku
Information Technology: Web Management Service
Ilokano: bungdol
Cebuano: dupang
Cebuano: kamira
Information Technology: capture drift
Hiligaynon: hagal
Hiligaynon: simba
Cebuano: sikbut
Tagalog: silip
Hiligaynon: tigsalab-ug
Information Technology: action type
Hiligaynon: maupangon
Cebuano: abilidad
Information Technology: push
Hiligaynon: pahuay
Cebuano: unra
Information Technology: Message Trace
Hiligaynon: agdom
Ilokano: mansanilya
Hiligaynon: hagas
Cebuano: gantun
Information Technology: certificate store
Hiligaynon: labut
Information Technology: Quick Click flag
Hiligaynon: lawig
Hiligaynon: bukal
Hiligaynon: baginas
Ilokano: lilibeg
Information Technology: preferred sender
Hiligaynon: unlog
Hiligaynon: publiko, publiko
Information Technology: Add a Contact…
Waray: siwo
Information Technology: Package Configuration Wizard
Information Technology: syndicated content
Hiligaynon: sekreto
Cebuano: yirba
Hiligaynon: beka
Tagalog: silbi
Waray: pagtoo
Hiligaynon: koon
Information Technology: child table
Hiligaynon: labut-labut
Cebuano: salasa
Hiligaynon: logro
Cebuano: bitsuylas
Information Technology: peak flow meter
Cebuano: bingbing
Cebuano: sahi
Information Technology: local storage resource
Information Technology: commitment
Ilokano: lukais
Hiligaynon: impug
Hiligaynon: ado
Cebuano: ikgam
Tagalog: niyon
Cebuano: lumad
Ilokano: pagel
Cebuano: laun
Hiligaynon: patabos
Hiligaynon: panag-on
Information Technology: MySQL
Cebuano: kabisira
Information Technology: cent sign
Cebuano: dalhig
Hiligaynon: baraka
Tagalog: boksing
Information Technology: assembly
Cebuano: kadyi
Ilokano: galgaling
Cebuano: maming
Hiligaynon: tagusirang
Cebuano: santa
Hiligaynon: bilyansiko
Hiligaynon: sanitaryo
Information Technology: Language Interface Pack
Information Technology: forced failover
Cebuano: paypay
Hiligaynon: torotot
Hiligaynon: malamad
Ilokano: sigkat
Cebuano: katkat
Cebuano: paw-ang
Cebuano: pasa
Ilokano: katuday
Hiligaynon: manugpalapnag
Information Technology: master project schedule
Cebuano: lapiti
Ilokano: alipaga
Cebuano: kadading
Information Technology: DSN code
Hiligaynon: kalaha
Cebuano: balaungun
Information Technology: dial-up networking
Ilokano: rabngis
Information Technology: exit module
Cebuano: gamu
Ilokano: ilo
Hiligaynon: sarsyado
Cebuano: wigun
Hiligaynon: pangilas
Information Technology: activity
Ilokano: uma
Hiligaynon: tupling
Information Technology: conversation
Information Technology: transport time
Information Technology: remote control software
Information Technology: internal lead time
Information Technology: beam
Cebuano: alamag
Information Technology: Exchange Control Panel
Hiligaynon: balalbal
Hiligaynon: lag-i
Hiligaynon: tungkoan
Hiligaynon: kaw-it
Tagalog: tuklas
Cebuano: sakgum
Hiligaynon: moro-moro
Information Technology: Instrumental
Information Technology: cost performance index
Information Technology: ribbon group
Information Technology: FPS
Information Technology: event publisher
Hiligaynon: aliwasa
Information Technology: username
Tagalog: kurba
Hiligaynon: panagitsit
Hiligaynon: paila-ila
Information Technology: DirectX Retained Mode
Information Technology: Office Viewing Architecture
Information Technology: SOLIDUS
Cebuano: tamak
Information Technology: Record Link
Ilokano: tarikitik
Hiligaynon: aliwana
Cebuano: kurihidur
Information Technology: security token
Cebuano: taklus
Hiligaynon: ra-ing
Cebuano: am-am
Information Technology: Folder List
Cebuano: kultsun
Cebuano: lawud
Information Technology: organizationally unique identifier
Information Technology: DNS
Hiligaynon: pairam
Information Technology: RD Gateway Manager
Cebuano: daplas
Information Technology: secondary feature block
Information Technology: VSS Upgrade Wizard
Hiligaynon: panamgo
Information Technology: Document Virtual Folder
Cebuano: lunay
Cebuano: lagaplap
Information Technology: correlation ID
Information Technology: External sharing
Cebuano: pursir
Hiligaynon: pangusug
Hiligaynon: sisi
Hiligaynon: paratudhan
Cebuano: riurganisar
Hiligaynon: pahubut
Information Technology: glyph run
Hiligaynon: daramnon
Information Technology: partially trusted
Cebuano: kuhil
Cebuano: plat
Information Technology: variant
Hiligaynon: badyaw
Information Technology: Windows Live Hotmail
Cebuano: tutu
Cebuano: lantsa
Hiligaynon: kalwagan
Ilokano: kubkub
Information Technology: cross-hatching
Tagalog: alupihan
Information Technology: scrolling speed
Cebuano: kagutkut
Information Technology: log
Cebuano: tugastugas
Hiligaynon: lingganay
Information Technology: PKI
Hiligaynon: tagring
Cebuano: puul
Tagalog: masetera
Hiligaynon: mahagpok
Cebuano: kating
Cebuano: kaybuy
Cebuano: laygay
Information Technology: NOIDMIF file
Information Technology: good clinical practice
Information Technology: root
Information Technology: conversion
Hiligaynon: dali-dali
Information Technology: array server
Information Technology: Top movie rentals
Cebuano: paki
Cebuano: tikang
Information Technology: profit margin
Hiligaynon: kaablawon
Cebuano: brayids
Information Technology: acronym casing guideline
Information Technology: computer account
Information Technology: Web analytics
Information Technology: power trendline
Cebuano: kulakdup
Ilokano: ullum
Information Technology: intranet
Cebuano: alagad
Information Technology: horizontal split
Information Technology: Power ballad
Hiligaynon: bilad
Hiligaynon: likis
Hiligaynon: mapasulabihon
Tagalog: tampo
Cebuano: tamatis
Hiligaynon: bugalan
Ilokano: imatang
Hiligaynon: panghuy-ab
Cebuano: kutlu
Cebuano: payat
Cebuano: intrada
Ilokano: malaksid
Information Technology: CAPI
Cebuano: sagata
Cebuano: ahidris
Information Technology: diskpart.exe
Hiligaynon: usok
Tagalog: sama
Cebuano: uyabad
Hiligaynon: kasan-o
Hiligaynon: samad
Cebuano: gud
Cebuano: pansayan
Information Technology: content deployment
Cebuano: kubit
Information Technology: flip ahead
Hiligaynon: patimaan
Ilokano: angren
Cebuano: sum
Tagalog: sobra
Cebuano: dumbay
Information Technology: bulk mail
Hiligaynon: warawag
Hiligaynon: pangangkang
Cebuano: lahuy
Information Technology: Package Creation Tool
Tagalog: sabon
Hiligaynon: kaaya-ay
Cebuano: sakdaw
Information Technology: parent record
Hiligaynon: kapusa
Information Technology: benchmark / benchmarking
Cebuano: walu
Ilokano: suppiat
Information Technology: OS/2
Information Technology: swap chain
Information Technology: Office Genuine Advantage
Ilokano: babasa
Hiligaynon: kalatian
Information Technology: unit group
Cebuano: matuli
Information Technology: agent participation policy
Cebuano: tud-an
Information Technology: extra-bold
Hiligaynon: bigtas
Hiligaynon: pamatiag
Information Technology: adaptive compression
Information Technology: thunk
Hiligaynon: badiday
Cebuano: hinhin
Tagalog: simot
Waray: tuhod
Ilokano: kabaw
Cebuano: balsi
Hiligaynon: balay
Cebuano: abansin
Information Technology: MOM Administrator Console
Information Technology: team
Information Technology: blocked sender
Information Technology: recalculation animation
Cebuano: hisgut
Information Technology: one-dimensional measurement
Hiligaynon: singit
Information Technology: Icon
Hiligaynon: hayon-hayon
Information Technology: text
Tagalog: sunggab
Cebuano: dalispang
Hiligaynon: bag-ason
Information Technology: microprocessor
Hiligaynon: kahayagan
Cebuano: klir
Hiligaynon: balatan-an
Hiligaynon: matadlung
Hiligaynon: konkaisa
Cebuano: kuna
Hiligaynon: anyag
Information Technology: iterative development
Cebuano: aristukrata
Information Technology: Restricted Device Access Model
Cebuano: tumung
Hiligaynon: masiot
Information Technology: details info part
Hiligaynon: rekargo
Information Technology: firmware system binary
Waray: adlaw
Tagalog: bibero
Information Technology: domain
Information Technology: Gregorian calendar
Cebuano: palsu
Information Technology: Sports
Cebuano: gadimit
Hiligaynon: mapinasipalahon
Hiligaynon: kahilas
Information Technology: total slack
Hiligaynon: gising
Information Technology: SCSI
Information Technology: balance sheet
Information Technology: implicit profiling
Information Technology: topic feeds
Cebuano: disyirtu
Information Technology: clustered bar chart
Cebuano: amuy
Information Technology: Office Professional Plus
Hiligaynon: mapiot, mapi-ot
Hiligaynon: meridiano
Tagalog: sapsap
Tagalog: pusod
Information Technology: publish
Information Technology: Financial Integration
Hiligaynon: salakyan
Cebuano: kuku
Cebuano: pidi
Tagalog: una
Information Technology: MorphX Type Hierarchy Browser
Hiligaynon: bakak
Ilokano: dengngeg
Information Technology: composite plan
Information Technology: payment service
Waray: mabaysay
Hiligaynon: sabila
Hiligaynon: salibobo
Hiligaynon: homok
Hiligaynon: hangal-hangal
Cebuano: laya
Information Technology: engagement
Hiligaynon: tuba
Information Technology: Shared notes
Information Technology: page layout
Cebuano: til-is
Cebuano: atsuytis
Ilokano: namles
Ilokano: anang-ang
Information Technology: SmartScreen Application Reputation
Hiligaynon: kalye
Tagalog: umpog
Tagalog: lutang
Information Technology: Newest
Information Technology: address
Hiligaynon: gawhad
Tagalog: tapat
Hiligaynon: kauswagan
Cebuano: m
Information Technology: full logging
Cebuano: timbul
Hiligaynon: buut
Information Technology: Crossover
Ilokano: datdatlag
Cebuano: pisu
Cebuano: batir
Cebuano: guti
Information Technology: cookie
Ilokano: kadkad
Hiligaynon: hay-og
Hiligaynon: mamumuni
Hiligaynon: panghimos
Information Technology: video look-up table
Information Technology: direct compensation
Information Technology: revision mark
Cebuano: prinsipyu
Tagalog: alay
Hiligaynon: para
Information Technology: common gateway interface
Information Technology: service instance
Cebuano: bakalaw
Ilokano: kirret
Cebuano: batul
Cebuano: huthut
Information Technology: DMF
Cebuano: uyagak
Hiligaynon: pulus
Cebuano: timaan
Cebuano: istumagu
Cebuano: asiti
Tagalog: palakad
Hiligaynon: sinalog, sinalug
Hiligaynon: seradura
Hiligaynon: pulugian
Hiligaynon: hulumanan
Information Technology: parcel
Cebuano: bawnsir
Information Technology: full-height number
Hiligaynon: palanggit-um
Information Technology: linear
Cebuano: amapulun
Hiligaynon: daya
Tagalog: bait
Tagalog: kinis
Cebuano: gina-an
Hiligaynon: tambara
Information Technology: Key logging
Hiligaynon: kamook
Ilokano: danag
Cebuano: bakulaw
Information Technology: MIDL
Hiligaynon: tiphag
Cebuano: kudkud
Information Technology: database mirroring
Information Technology: actual value
Ilokano: baklay
Information Technology: SQL Server object
Information Technology: XSDL
Tagalog: ikli
Information Technology: stocked
Information Technology: fixed markup
Cebuano: buut
Cebuano: man-l
Cebuano: badlun
Cebuano: diskursu
Hiligaynon: halakotan
Information Technology: kilobits per second
Tagalog: higop
Hiligaynon: kitikot
Information Technology: statistical account
Hiligaynon: baliko
Information Technology: nominal account
Information Technology: interpolation
Information Technology: uninterruptible power supply
Cebuano: pinsa
Hiligaynon: sumalang
Hiligaynon: kumpari
Cebuano: abandunu
Cebuano: unung
Ilokano: gita
Ilokano: panuos
Cebuano: abukadu
Information Technology: scan code
Information Technology: security-enabled workgroup
Information Technology: report part
Information Technology: authoritative server
Information Technology: social
Hiligaynon: ogwat
Information Technology: Account Setup Assistant
Information Technology: shared distribution point
Information Technology: currency translation
Hiligaynon: dum-ug
Information Technology: Early Childhood
Information Technology: data region
Information Technology: update lock
Hiligaynon: hagnaya
Hiligaynon: lalung
Hiligaynon: pamista
Cebuano: manandis
Information Technology: S/PDIF
Ilokano: kaniwas
Tagalog: kapitera
Ilokano: isiis
Ilokano: sugpet
Cebuano: wasing
Hiligaynon: amo-amo
Hiligaynon: pasunod
Tagalog: bistek
Hiligaynon: batoy-batoy
Information Technology: equivalence class
Hiligaynon: tumbok
Cebuano: katsuy
Hiligaynon: pangasa, pangasa
Hiligaynon: mapinangadion
Tagalog: estrelya
Cebuano: hibul
Hiligaynon: tarubtub
Information Technology: Voice User Interface
Information Technology: Data Transmission Unit
Cebuano: kyamud
Information Technology: tape catalog
Information Technology: public FQDN
Information Technology: on-account payment
Tagalog: natin
Cebuano: sinturiyun
Cebuano: payling
Hiligaynon: maigpat
Ilokano: kayanga