DANGAT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
dángat v {1} [A2; b] reach, arrive at a place. Midángat mi sa ámung distínu, We arrived at our destination. Walà pa ku dangáti ug kwarta, No money has reached me yet. {2} [A23; b5] happen to s. o. Ayaw giyud ku basúla kun may mudángat nímu, Dont ever blame me if s.t. happens to you. Mu nay ímung gidángat (gidangátan), Thats what happened to you. {3} [A2; b4] for time to elapse. Wà makadángat ang tulu ka adlaw namatay ang pasyinti, The patient died before three days had elapsed. Gidangtan sila ug tulu ka búlan sa Sibu, Theyve been in Cebu for three months. {4} [A2] go to a womans house for the purpose of proposing marriage. Mudángat ta run sa íla arun mamáyi, Lets go to their house to make the marriage proposal. pa- v {1} [A; c] state s.t. by letter, cable, etc. Ipadángat ang ímung urdir sa ámung upisína, Send your order to our o? ce. {2} [A; a12] cause to get s.w. {3} [a12] wait for s.t. to happen. Padangátun ang takdul únà itárì ang manuk, Wait for the full moon before you allow your cock to fight. r-an n what happens to one. Dautan ang ímung dadangátan, You will come to grief.