DASUN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
dasun v {1} [A2; c] say s.t. immediately after s. o. else says s.t. Gidasunan ku níyag tubag sa wà pa ku makatiwas ug pangutána, He answered me immediately before I finished asking the ques-tion. {2} [A2; a2] follow an action immediately with another action. Nakadasun pa siyag pátid human makapatámà ug sum-bag, After he inflicted a cruel blow, he followed it up with a kick. Dasunun nímug silhig ang ginabas arun dílì magkátù ang húgaw, Sweep up the sawdust right away so the dirt wont pile up. {3} [A; b(1)] approve of, endorse a plan or idea. Gidasunan dáyun níla ang gahin pára sa unipurmi, They at once approved the allocation for uniforms. dasundasun v [A; b5] happen in rapid succession, one after another.