DI is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
di- prefix, usually followed by nouns of Spanish origin. {1} having a [noun] where it is s.t. special to have one. Púru dikutsi ang ámung silíngan, Our neighbors all have cars. Di-amirkána pa ba diay muadtug upisína? You mean to say they wear jackets to the o? ce? Diayskrim giyud ang ámung pabug-naw, We had refreshments with ice cream. {2} characterized by having being made of [noun]. Sapátus digúma, Rubber shoes. Kísu dibúla, Cheese shaped like balls. Dialta ílang mga amígu, Their friends are high society. Manuk dirása, Special breed of chicken. {3} having [noun] as a source of motion. Plantsa dikuryinti, Electric iron. Makina dimánu, dipiyi, Hand-, foot-operated machine. Dinútang pagtukar, Playing from the notes. Ripling dirapidu, dibumba, Automatic, air rifle. {4} intended for the use of [noun]. Rilu dipulsu, dibulsa, A wrist, pocket watch. Tráhi dibayli, Dancing costume. Bapur digíra, Warship. Trák dipasahíru, Passenger bus. {5} -kampanilya {a} abugádu -kampanilya first class lawyer (one that calls his helpers with a bell). {b} anything high class. Dikampanilya na kanang pami-lyáha, That family is high class. {6} -kumbáti nga parul, sugà barn lantern.