DUKA is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
dúkà - A quick downward motion of the head from drowsiness, a nod; to let the head sink—,—drop—,—bend—, from drowsiness, to incline the head in sleep, to nod. Nagadúkà siá. He is nodding (from sleepiness). Dílì ka magdúkà sa sulúd sang láygay or dílì mo pagdukáan ang pagláygay sang Párì. Don’t sleep during the sermon of the Parish Priest. Dinukáan gid lámang sang madámù nga mga tumalámbong ang íya pamulóngpúlong, kay támà kaláwig. Many of those that were present fell asleep during his discourse, because it was very long. (cf. tuyó; dukô—to bow the head). dúkal, to prate, prattle, chatter, babble, talk much, brag, boast. Indì ka magdúkal sang mga waláy pulús nga mga butáng. Don’t prattle so much about trivial things. Indì kamó maglamód sing maláut nga mga púlong sa ínyo nga pagdúkal (mga dinúkal). Don’t interlard your talk with bad or indecent expressions. (cf. wákal, búrà, hádak, lásang, ngálngal).