DULDUL is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
duldul n kapok fiber or tree: Ceiba pentandra. The pods pro-duce a cotton-like fiber which is used as furniture stu? ng. There is a belief that insanity can be cured by shackling a persons an-kles to a stock made of a kapok log. The person imprisoned with a kapok log may sit or lie down, but cannot stand or move, and often may be kept that way for years. Duldul na lay kúwang nímu, The only thing that can help you is a kapok stock. (I. e. , youre crazy. ) dulhug v [A; acP] go, bring s.t. downwards. Sukad dinhi nag-dulhug ang dálan, From here on the road goes downhill. Duna kuy dulhúgun sa syudad, I have s.t. to go down to get in the city. Idulhug (ipadulhug) ang mga pruduktu sa mirkádu, Bring the crops down to the market. Gidulhug (gipadulhug) níya ang íyang panan-aw gíkan sa úlu ngadtu sa tiil, He let his gaze move over her from her head to her feet.