DUNGAN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
dúngan a done or happening at the same time. Dúngan kaáyu ang pag-alsa sa ílang mga tiil, They lifted their feet very well in unison. Dalugdug dúngan sa pagkílat, Thunder together with lightning. v [A2C; c1] do s.t. together or at the same time. Mudúngan ku nímug káun, Ill eat (together) with you. Magdún-gan ang salída sa Risal ug Madyistik, The show will be played si-multaneously at the Rizal and Majestic theaters. Ayaw dúngána pagdala dinhi, Dont bring them both at the same time. () n {1} person about the same age as one (mostly used in expressions of anger). Naghagsà ka lang nákù. Dì ku nímu dungan, You used my name without a title. Youre not my age, you know. {2} sa together at the same time. Dungan ka nákù sa pagkáun, ha, Eat together with me. ka-n one who was together with s. o. at a certain time. Kadúngan mi paggraduwar, We graduated at the same time. tali- see talirúngan.