DUNUT is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
dúnut - To decay, rot, spoil, putrefy, decompose, corrupt; to become or make soft. Nadúnut ang káhoy sa dútà. The wood rotted in the ground. Padunúta lang sa dútà iníng káhoy. Just let this wood rot in the ground. Dunúta ang linúgaw, kamóti, ságing, etc. Make the rice-porridge soft, let the sweet potatoes, the bananas, etc. get very soft. Nadunútan ang ámon baláy sing duhá ka halígi. Two posts of our house have become rotten. (cf. gabúk). dúnglay – durián dunút, Rotten, putrid, spoilt, decaying, corrupt; soft, overripe. Dunút nga káhoy. Rotten wood. Dunút nga lángkà. An overripe jack-fruit. Dunút nga batásan. Depraved habits. (cf. gabúk). dúo, duók, dúol, duóm, duón, duót, See dóo, doók, dóol, doóm, doón. doót.