ES-ES is a word in Ilokano with its meaning in English.
v. /AG-/ to shrink, contract. --syn. ERRES. /MANG-:- EN/ to put closer together, as pieces of boards after shrinking. ESKANDALO [εskandálo; f. Sp.], n. scandal, trouble, disturbance, uproar. v. /AG-/ to create a scandal, trouble, disturbance or uproar. Intayo man ketdi iyawid amangan no ageskandalo manen sadiay. We’d better take him home lest he creates trouble there again. ESKOBA [εskóba; f. Sp.], n. brush for cleaning clothes. shoes etc. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to brush. ESKOLAR [εskolar; f, Eng.], n. scholar. ESKRIBIENTE [εskribiέntε; f. Sp.], n. clerk, scribe. ESKUELA [εskuέla; f. Sp.], 1. school, schoolhouse. --var. ESKUELAAN. 2. school child, pupil, student. --syn. ESTUDIANTE. v. /AG-/ to attend school. ESKUELAAN [εskuεlaan; f. Sp.], var. of ESKUELA n. 1. ESPESIAL [εspεsiál; f. Sp.], adj. special. ESPESIALISTA [εspεsialista; f. Sp.], n, a specialist, especially in medicine. ESPIA [εspia], var. of ISPIA.