ESSEM is a word in Ilokano with its meaning in English.
n. desire, wish. adj. /NA-/ desirous; greedy, covetous, avaricious. v. /MANG-:-AN/ [= ESMAN] to desire, long for; to covet. Saan mo nga esman ti agkandidato. Don’t desire to become a candidate. ESTADIUM [εstádium; f. Eng.], n. stadium. ESTADO [εstádo; f. Sp.], n. state. ESTADOS UNIDOS [f. Sp.], n. the United States of America. ESTANTE [εstantε; f. Sp.], n. a showcase; a cabinet to display and protect wares in a store. ESTASION [εstasión; f. Sp.], n. station. ESTATUA [εstátua; f. Sp.], n. statue. ESTETSAID [εstetsaid; f. Eng.], adj. coming from or made in the United States of America. ESTILO [εstílo; f. Sp.], n. style. adj. /NA-/ stylish, tasteful, elegant, refined. ESTUDIANTE [εstudiantε; f. Sp.], n. student, pupil. --syn. ESKUELA n. 2. ESTUDIO [εstudio; f. Eng.], n. studio