GALHO is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
gálhò - (B) To take charge of, tackle, handle, perform, execute, work with one’s own hands, put one’s hand to, accomplish with actual personal labour. Sín-o ang naggálhò sang pagíhaw sang báboy? Who killed the pig? Who actually performed all the work in connection with the killing of the pig? Galhoá lang ang mga hilikotón sa simbáhan sa pándut. Take charge personally of all the preparations in the Church for the feast. Igálhò akó siníng ísdà sa paglútò. Kindly cook this fish for me yourself (in person). Gingálhò ni Fuláno ang ilibusón. N.N. personally got ready all the requisites for making a dish of "íbus”. Kon maló-oy ka, galhoón mo lang ang tanán nga mahígkò sang masakít. For mercy’s sake, undertake all the work of cleaning the sick person. (cf. agám, ágap, gamól, gakám, gakóm, gámlò, hámlò).