GAPU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
gapù n {1} driftwood, twigs or bamboo pieces found beside the seashore. {2} weak, easily broken. Hápit na mahugnù ang taytáyang gapù, The weak bridge is about to collapse. {3} sickly, weak due to old age, brittle-boned. {4} toothless, horn-less in old age. v [B2; b6] {1} be weak. Nagapù (migapù) ang silya kay kanúnay níyang gihiragan, The chair became weak be-cause he kept leaning back on it. {2} for a body to become sickly. Mugapù ang láwas ug dílì ampíngan, The body will be sickly if not taken care of. paN- v [A; b6] lose ones teeth, horn. Nanggápù na si Lúlu, Grandpa is losing his teeth now. Gipang-gapúan na ang kábawng landay, The old carabao has lost its horns. gapud a weak, easily broken due to age. Gapud na ang ngípun sa tigúwang, The old mans teeth break o? easily. v [B23(1); b6] be brittle or easily broken due to age. Migapud (nagapud) ang tiil sa dáang lamísa, The legs of the old table are weak. Nagkagapud ang dukumintu nga gitipígan, The old document is getting brittle.