GAWA is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
gáwa - To observe, look at, view, gaze at, eye, keep an eye on, watch from a window or the like. Gawáha kon sín-o ang sa idálum. Look out and see who is below. Igáwa akó kon sín-o ang nagaámba dirâ sa hágdan. Kindly look out and see who is singing on the stairs. Dáyon lang siá nagagáwa sa bintánà sa mga umalági sa idálum. She is always looking out of the window to watch the passers-by below. Magbulúsbúlus kamó maggáwa sa gawáng sa mga nagalubás sa dálan kag kon ínyo makítà si Fuláno pahapíta siá dirí. Watch in turns from the window the passers-by on the road, and if you see N.N. invite him up here. Gawáhi sing sugâ ang táo dirâ sa atubángan sang baláy. Take a light and observe the man there in front of the house. Ginawáhan níya sing pasílak ang makáwat. He watched the thief by means of a flashlight. (cf. bántay, tíid, áwhog, áwhang, ánghaw).