GINHAWA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
ginháwa n {1} breath. Nabugtúan siya sa ginháwa sa alas tris, He expired at three oclock. táman sa as much as one could. Midágan siyag táman sa ginháwa, He ran away as fast as he could. {2} appetite for eating. Maáyu siyag ginháwa maung tambuk, He has a good appetite. Thats why he is fat. pára sa for the purposes of food. Mamuhì ta pára sa átung ginháwa, Lets raise animals for food. subra sa excess food. Iláwug sa bábuy ang subra sa ginháwa, Feed the leftovers to the pigs. {3} cookies, small cakes. {4} ones feelings. Nagláin ang ákung ginháwa, I feel lousy. Kulbà kaáyu ang ákung ginháwa, I was terribly frightened. {4a} used as subject for an instrumental passive verb or instrumental noun: feel like. Maáyung ihílak ang ákung ginháwa, I feel so much like crying. Nahadluk ku. Igdadágan ang ákung ginháwa, I was afraid. I felt like running away. mau na sa have spent the limit of ones strength. Mau na sa ginháwa nákung pugung arun dì ku makabakyaw, I controlled myself as much as I could to keep from hitting her. walà sa not take s.t. to heart. Wà ra sa íyang ginháwa bísag kasab-an, She doesnt take it to heart if she is cussed out. v [A2S3S; c] breathe. Dalia kay nagginhawa pa, Quick, she is still breathing. Nakabayad na ku sa mga útang. Makaginhawa na ta, Ive paid the debts. Now we can breathe. Iginháwa ang dautang hángin gíkan sa bágà, Breathe out the bad air from the lungs. ug luag v [A123S] breathe a sigh of relief. Nakaginhawa siyag luag pagkasáyud nga apindiks ra diay, He breathed a sigh of relief upon finding out it was just appendicitis. -in-n breathing. ginhawáan, ginhawaan n {1} entrails. Gidugùdugù níla ang ginhawáan sa bábuy, They made the entrails of the pig into blood stew. {2} insides. Dihà diay nati sa ginhawaan, There was a calf in the stomach. {3} mood, disposition. Nagdáut ang ákung ginhawáan kay nag-áway mi, I am in a bad mood because we had a quarrel. {4} capacity to withstand sickening, nauseating circumstances. Húyang siyag ginhawaan kay madismáyug makakitag dugù, She has a weak stomach because she faints when she sees blood.