GIWANG is a word in Ilokano with its meaning in English.
v. /MANG-:-AN/ to make an opening or hole through; to make a breach in. --syn. ABUT. GLAB [f. Eng.], n. a fighting glove. GLORIA [f. Sp.], n. 1. heaven. --syn. LANGIT. 2. a girl’s name. GOBERNADOR [gobεrnador; f. Sp.], n. governor. GOBIERNO [gobiεrno; f. Sp.], n. government. GRADO [f. Sp.], n. 1. grade in school; a class organized for the work of a particular year of a school course. 2. a mark indicating a degree of accomplishment in school. 3. a position in a scale of ranks or qualities v. /MANG-:-EN/ to grade, sort, arrange in a scale or ranks of qualities. GRASA [f. Sp.], n. grease. GRASIA [f. Sp.], n. grace. GRIEGO [griέgo; f. Sp.], n. Greek GRIPO [f. Sp.], n. faucet, tap. GRUPO [f. Sp.], n. group. GUAPO [f. Sp.], adj. /NAG-/ handsome, good-looking. --syn. NAPIOTAS. GUARDIA [f. Sp.], n. guard, watch. --syn. BANTAY. v. /AG-/ to stand guard. /MANG-:-AN/ to guard, watch.