GULA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
gulà v {1a} [A2; a] go out from. Migulà ku sa kwartu, I went out of the room. Gulaa (gul-a) nang hubug nga nagsábà sa gawas, Go out after that drunk thats making noise outside. {1b} [B456] be sticking out. Birahi nang ímung kamisun kay migulà, Pull up your slip because its showing. {1c} [A; c6] bring s.t. out. Kinsay naggulà sa bátà nga tugnaw run? Who brought the child out? Its chilly. Iguwà ang irù, Take the dog out. {2} [A2; b3] quit a job, position. Dì ka makagulà tungud sa kuntrátu, You cant quit because of the contract. Ang kagamay sa swildu mauy ákung gigulaan, The small salary made me quit the job. {3} [A2; b4] have emission during orgasm. Migulà ang ákù pagkakità sa iyáha, I had an ejaculation when I saw hers. Kasagáran únang gul-an ang laláki, Usually the man is the first to have orgasm. {3a} [b4] menstruate. Wà ku gul-i rung buwána. Simbaku mabdus ku, I missed my period. God forbid Im pregnant. {4a} [B2456] come out the winner. Sa sinádu migulà siyang numiru únu, In the senate race he came out first. {4b} [B2456] appear, materialize, turn out. Pagkudak nákù sa dalága, aswang ang migulà, When I photographed the girl, a witch is what turned out in the picture. {5} [B2456] appear in a publication. n {1} outside of an enclosure. Daghang táwu sa gulà, There are many people outside. {1a} outside the bedroom or kitchen, usually the living room. Pahulata sa gulà ang bisíta, Have the visitor wait in the living room. {2} issue or installment of a publication. Mugulà ang ímung sugilánun sunud gulà, Your story will be published in the next issue. {3} outcome, result of s.t. Hípi ang gulà nímu ug magpataas ka sa ímung buhuk, If you let your hair grow long, a hippie is what will result. {4} role in a play or presentation. Unsa may guwà nímu sa dráma? What is your role in the play? sulud v [A2] keep coming in and out. Huy! Musulud gulà ka lang mu rag tag-íya, Hey! You just come in and out as if you were the owner here. pa- v {1} [A; ac] {1a} allow to go out. Pagul-a ang bátà arun mangíhì, Let the child go out to urinate. {1b} [A; c] display, present s.t. to the public. Nagpagulà siyag drámang minúrus, He presented a Moslem play. Wà ikapagulà ang tinda kay nag-ulan, The goods were not displayed because it was raining. {1c} [A; c] use knowledge or other resources to meet a particular situation. Ug makig-áway siya, pagul-i siya sa ímung dyúdu, If he picks a fight with you, try out your judo on him. {1d} issue a notice, order, etc. Nagpagulà ang prisidinti ug kasugúan báhin sa piliay, The president issued an order about the elections. Ikapagulà ku lang ang ákung hunàhúnà kun kinahanglánun, I give out my opinion only when necessary. {2} [A; a12] fire from job, position. Pagulaun ka kun magtinápul ka, You will be fired if you are lazy. -anan(), gul-anan n exit. kagul-unun a on the verge of going out. tali- n about to go out.