HABHAB is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
habhab v {1} [A; a] for pigs to eat. {1a} for people to eat (derogatory). Gihabhab sa mga bilat sa ílang ina ang ákung kík, The bastards ate my cake. {2} [A1; ab2] for pigs to snap at one in anger. Ayaw pagdúul sa anay kay hihabhaban ka unyà, Dont go too close to the sow because shell bite you. {3} [A3; b5(1)] take out, eat away portions from, bit by bit. Túbig ang mihabhab sa kílid sa kanal, Water ate away bits from the side of the ditch. Balud nga naghabhab sa pangpang, Waves that are eating away at the cli? . -in- n intake of food of pigs or persons (derogatory). -ag- v {1} [A; b6] make the noise of pigs eating. {2} [c1] eat with a loud noise like a pig. -um-r- n pig that will bite.