HAMPAK is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
hampak v {1} [A; ab2] strike, slam with force making a noisy impact. Natukyas ang atup kay gihampak sa hángin, The roof came o? under the battering of the wind. Kining puthaw mauy ihampak sa úlu sa bitin, Smash the snakes head with this iron rod. {2} ang (sa) hángin nga itum v [A2; a12b2] get a stroke, severe illness (thought to be brought about by an evil wind). Ayawg hukashúkas tingálig dúnay muhampak nímung hángin, Dont go about without your shirt. You might su? er a stroke. Hampákun ka pa untà sa hángin nga itum, May you get a stroke! n {1} blow. {2} blow of fate, calamity, or the like. Ug mapildi, agwantáhun kay hampak nà sa katarúngan, If you lose, just take it. Thats the way it is. (Lit. That is the blow of logic. ) Ang bagyu mauy hampak sa kapaláran, The typhoon is what fate has brought us. -in- sa hángin (usually shortened to -in-) a mild curse to refer to the object of ones wrath: darned. Ang mga hinampak! Wà giyud mi imbitaha, Darn them! They didnt in-vite us! {2} a mild curse of annoyance or anger. Hinampak! Nakalimut ku sa ákung pitáka! Darn! I forgot to take my pock-etbook!