HAMPID is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
hampid v [A; c1] put things of the same size with a flat sur-face neatly on top of one another. Akuy muhampid sa mga inutaw nga dayapir, Ill pile the ironed diapers neatly. Hampíra (ihampid) nang mga libru sa lamísa, Stack those books neatly on the table. hampil v [A1; c] {1} attach s.t. to s.t. solid as a patch or sign. Kinsa may naghampil sa lungag sa salug? Who put a cover over the hole in the floor? Hampíli nag bandids ang ímung samad, Put a bandage on your wound. Ihampil ni sa bungbung arung makit-an sa tanan, Put this up on the wall so that everybody can see it. {2} [A; a] spread s.t. on top of s.t. else or between two objects as a protection. Hampíli ug hábul ang banig únà higdái, Spread a blanket over the mat before you lie on it. n s.t. attached as a cover or patch. hampilhampil v [A; b] put up a temporary structure. a makeshift, made of temporary patchings. Hampilhampil lang úsà ning ákung balay, This house of mine is just a makeshift structure.