HATA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
hatà v [A; c] feint, make a move to strike, kick, give, or the like, without actually intending to do so. Hataa (hatai) ug karmilítus ang bátà, Act like youre going to give the child some candy. Hataan sa wala, butangan sa tuu, Make a feint with the left and hit him with the right. Ihatà ug syát ang búla, Feint a shot with the ball. n {1} feinting action. {2} blu? ng statement or threat. hátag v [A; c] {1} give. Lílas nga muhátag maáyung pagtulun-an, A film which teaches a good lesson. Ang adlaw naghátag kanátug kaháyag, The sun gives us light. Wà ku makahatag (makahátag) sa abangan, I havent paid the rent. Tagáan (hatá-gan) ta kag singku, Ill give you a nickel. Humwurk nga gihátag sa maistra, The homework the teacher gave. Kinabúhì nga gi-hátag álang sa yútang natawhan, A life given for ones country. {2} let s. o. have s.t. for a price. Gihátag lang nig singku, He let me have it for five pesos. {3} give a speech, reply; issue or-der. Mihátag ang prisidinti ug pakigpúlung, The President gave a speech. Naghátag ang iksaminir ug mga instruksiyun, The examiner is giving instructions. {4} ug katahúran greet upon meeting, pay ones respects. Wà gánì maghátag katahúran, He didnt even greet me. n {1} s.t. given one. Kining mga rilip há-tag ni sa Amirika, This relief clothing is a gift from the U. S. A. {2} selling price. Pilay ímung hátag? How much will you let me have it for? {3} turn to give. Ákù rung hátag, Now its my turn to give. hingatag a generous, fond of giving. -l-an(), -anan() n {1} s.t. one is obliged to give. Singkwinta písus ang ákung binulan nga halatagan, I am obliged to give fifty pesos a month. {2} person to whom s.t. is to be given. ig-r-l-() n thing to be given. -in- n s.t. which has been given. Dì ni hinátag. Pinalit ni, I didnt get this as a gift. I bought it. -in-an n one to whom given. mag-l-, maN-l-, mag-r-, maN-r- one who gives s.t. out. manggi-un, ma-un a generous. um-l-, um-l-() n one who gives (Biblical). -l-un(), -unun() = -l-an(), 1.