HAWID is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
hawid, háwid a similar, resembling. Mas hawid sa amahan ang kamagulángan, The eldest is most similar in appearance to his father. v [A23; a] resemble, be similar. Muhawid ang gisabak sa panamkúnan, The baby in the womb will take after what the mother has developed a craving or liking for. {2} [A; a] imitate, do as others do. Ngánung muháwid ka man níya pagpúnay ug súruy nga minyù na man ka ug siya dílì? Why do you roam around as he does when youre married and he isnt? Hawíra ang íyang linalahan sa kálù, Copy the way he weaves hats. háwid v {1} [A1; b] hold s.t. to prevent forward motion. Hawíri ang irù arun dì makabuhì, Hold the dog so it cant escape. {2} [A; b6(1)] hold rigidly in place, hold on to s.t. Dílì mahuswà ang túbu kay gihawíran sa ruska, You cant pull the pipe out because it is being held in place by a screw. {3} [AN2; b(1)] urge s. o. who is visiting to stay for dinner, spend the night. Dì ta muadtug udtu kay hawíran giyud ta, We wont go at noon because they will surely make us stay for dinner. {4} [B12N] for a blade to snag. Maáyung pagkatikbas. Walà mangháwid, It was neatly cut down. The blade didnt snag. sa dunggan v [A2S] for grades to be just enough to allow one to pass. Makaháwid lang sa dunggan, hustu na, If my grade is enough to allow to pass, Ill be happy. sa pulsu v [c6] eat just enough food to check ones hunger. Timù ug ígung iháwid sa pulsu, Take a bite of s.t. to check your hunger. n s.t. that checks hunger. Hápit na tingpaniudtu. Miúkit na lang kug mani pára háwid sa pulsu, Its almost lunchtime. Ill munch just enough peanuts to check my hunger. paN- v [A] hold on to s.t. to avoid falling, keep from being separated. Misulay siya pagtindug samtang nangháwid sa ákung buktun, He tried to get up while he held on to my arm. Ang nagkalumus nga táwu nagpanghawid sa bátang, The drowning man was desperately trying to hold on to the log. hawiránan n s.t. to hold on to maintain balance.