HUBAD is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
húbad v {1} = hulbad. {1} a [A2; a12] break out of a hold in wrestling or judo. Way makahúbad ning gwarníha, No one can break out of this lock. {2} [A; c1] translate into another language. Ihúbad (hubárun) nátù sa Ininglis ang Binisayà, Lets translate the Visayan into English. ug damgu interpret dreams. {3} [A; a12] solve a problem. Lisud hubárun ning gumunhápa, This is a di? cult problem to solve. n {1} move to free oneself from a lock in wrestling. {2} translation. hubadhúbad v [A13; a3] justify to oneself why things are as they are. Naghubad-húbad siya sa íyang kaugalíngun nga hustu, bisag gipakasayup sa uban, He justified to himself that it was proper, even if oth-ers misunderstood. mag-r-() n translator, language interpreter. tag-() n translator of some specific piece.