HUGPUNG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
hugpung v {1} [A; a6] take long things in the two hands and bunch them together. Hugpúnga ang ímung buhuk, Tie your hair into a bunch. {1a} [A; c1] do s.t. by the whole bunch. Hug-púngun (ihugpung) pagtanyag ang tulu ka mátang sa tablíta, The three kinds of tablets are o? ered as a group. {2} [A12C; c16] unite together in a group. Hugpúngun (ihugpung) nátù ang mga mamumuu, Lets organize the laborers into a union. n {1} bunch, a number of long things of the same kind tied in a bunch. Usa ka hugpung nga sibúyas, A bunch of green onions. {2} a group of people having a common purpose or interest. Hugpung nga pulitikanhun, A political faction. ka-an n group of people having s.t. in common.