HUYUT-HUYUT is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
huyút-húyut - Bad, wretched, poor, miserable, hard (of times, seasons, etc.). Huyúthúyut gid ang karón nga túig. This is a very bad year, (a year of famine, misery, disease, or the like). Naghuyúthúyut ang karón nga panahón, kay nagmínus ang patubás kag maíwat kaáyo ang pilak. Times are hard, because the harvest was poor and money is extremely scarce. (cf. sarót, buísit, malisúd, hoyót-hóyot). hwád, hwád-hwád, See huád, huádhuád. i, The letter "i” is pronounced in Visayan as in Spanish, except when it has an abrupt sound as in the words:—dalî, dalîdálì, tahî, hibî, etc. To avoid an hiatus "i” slurs into a following vowel as if a "y” had been inserted, and in fact "y” is often inserted in modern spelling, e.g. hiás, hiyás, tián, tiyán; íos, íyos, etc. However a distinct hiatus occurs when an abrupt "i” is followed by a vowel, e.g. daliá, dali-á, not dalyá; tahión, tahi-ón, not tahiyón; ginharían, ginharí-an, not ginharíyan, etc. (From dalî, tahî, hárì, etc.).