IKAW is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
ikaw you (singular). Ikaw ang ákung túyù, You are the one I want to see. karun, kini, bayà oh you! (Youre so foolish, terrible, bad). Ikaw giyud kini. Dalì ra giyung maílad, Oh you! Its so easy to cheat you! lang {1} you be the one. Ikaw lay báyad, You pay. {2} its up to you. Ug gustu kang mubáyad, ikaw lang, If you want to pay, its up to you. {2a} its up to you, dont say I didnt warn you. Ug hilabtan nà nímu ikaw lang, If you touch that dont say I didnt warn you. ra = lang, 2, 2a. ka short for ikaw used in constructions requiring the nom. except the predicate. Kumusta ka? How are you? Mau ka ba giyud? Is that the way you are? nímu {1} gen. form. Si Máma nímu túa sa simbahan, Your mother is in the church. ábi {1} you know. Ábi nímu, si Saning maáyung muáwit, You know, Saning sings beautifully. {2} ábi ug so you presumed. Ábi nímu búang ku, Do you think Im an idiot? {2} short for kanímu. mu short for nímu. kanímu dat. form. Álang ni kanímu, This is for you. Way nakagustu kanímu, Nobody likes you. Ay, purbída kanímu, Oh my! Ay, kanímu Tasy! Mag-unsa ka man lang ug wà na ku! Oh my, Tasio! What will you do when Im gone! ímu {1} preposed gen. Ang ímung kabáyù, Your horse. Ímu bang ihátag? Are you giving it away? {2} yours, the one belonging to you. Ákù ni, ímu nà, This belongs to me. That one is yours. Unsa may kang [so-and-so], What do you have against [so-and-so]? na you may have [subject]. Ímu na ni, You may have this one. pag-[verb] ug do [verb] by oneself. Pagkaun lag ímu, ayaw kug tawagtawága ug panihápun, Just eat by yourself. Dont call me to supper. [noun] pay My what a [noun]! Bat-ang pay ímu nga makalíbat, Her hips can make you cross-eyed. (Lit. If you want the hips, too (to see), theyll make you cross-eyed. ) v [a12] be, become yours. Maímu ni ug magbinuutan ka, This will be yours if you behave. Imúhun lang diay nang tanang kindi? So you want to have all the candy to yourself? imúha = ímu. imuímu all by yourself, yours alone. lang of your own creation. Imuímu man lang ning minugnà, You just made this up. Imuímu nang ímung gidangátan. Wà kay kapasanginlan, What happened to you is your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself. v [A; a12] do s.t. all by yourself. Muimuímu ka man lag káun dihà nga walay pulupanampit, You eat all by yourself without inviting anyone to join you. tikaw, tika, ta ka, ka nákù, ku ikaw I did [verb] to you, you are my [noun]. Amígu ta ka (tikaw, tika, ka nákù, ku ikaw), You are my friend. Patyun ta ka (tikaw, etc. ), I will kill you.