INGKUWINTRU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
ingkuwintru v [AC; c3] {1} meet on the way. Dì kaingkuwin-trúhan ning karsadáha kay apíki, If you meet another vehicle on this road, you can not pass each other because it is too nar-row. {2} meet to fight. Kuntra nga ámung gikaingkuwintru, The enemy we ran into. {2a} have a run-in. Nagkaingkuwin-tru mig ang ákung asáwa, My wife and I had a little run-in. {2b} go to have sex. Makig-ingkuwintru giyud siyag dunsilya, He wants to have an encounter with a virgin. n {1} s. o. or s.t. one meets. Wà muhátag lugar ang ingkuwintru, The truck we met on the way would not move over to let us by. {2} action of meeting. Halandúmun nga ingkuwintru, A memorable meeting. {3} encounter with an enemy.